The Wood Clips Graphics Collection includes 1,047 images in 17 categories.

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The Wood Clips Graphics collection includes JPG images, plus PDF catalogs of each category of images. The catalogs are built in Graphcat, of course. WPG, BMP, and PCX image sets are available on-request.
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Full image catalog of the Wood Clips here.
Wood Clips Categories:
- ANATOMY: 29 images of skeletons, skulls, and internal organs.
- ANIMALS: 133 images of animals, mostly mammals.
- BOOKBAT: 66 images of decorative emblems and dingbats.
- BUILDING: 15 images of houses and buildings.
- CHILDREN: 30 images of children.
- HARDWARE: 37 images of mechanical devices and objects.
- HOLIDAY: 60 images of holiday-related activities and greeting-card art.
- HUMOR: 98 images of cartoons and cliches.
- MISC: 15 images of card games, masks and other images that don’t fit the other categories.
- MUSIC: 29 images of musical instruments and dancers.
- MYTH: 107 images of monsters and mythological creatures.
- PEOPLE: 194 images of people, mostly adults.
- PLANTS: 38 images of plants.
- SHADOWS: 66 images of shadows and silhouettes.
- TRAINS: 40 images of railroads, locomotives, and their workers.
- TRANSPORTATION: 36 images of airplanes, balloons, bicycles, and automobiles.
- WATER: 54 images of fish, swamp animals, and sailing ships.
File List, by Category:
Anatomy/ BRONCHI human lungs Anatomy/ CADUCEUS medical emblem Anatomy/ EAR1 cross-section of human ear Anatomy/ HAND1 right hand, palm up Anatomy/ HAND2 right hand, open, thumb up Anatomy/ HAND3 both hands, fingertips touching Anatomy/ HAND4 both hands, clasped Anatomy/ HAND5 both hands, praying Anatomy/ HAND6 right hand, open in stop gesture Anatomy/ HEAD1 scalp labeled with sections of the mind, oldstyle Anatomy/ HEAD2 scalp illustrated with sections of mind, oldstyle Anatomy/ HEAD3 head cutaway, showing brain convolutions Anatomy/ HEAD4 head showing circulatory system Anatomy/ HEAD5 head cross-section, showing brainstem Anatomy/ HEART1 heart and lungs circulatory diagram Anatomy/ HEART2 heart chambers Anatomy/ LUNGS01 human lungs, throat, face Anatomy/ OPTIC1 cross-section of eye Anatomy/ OPTIC2 cross-section of human eye, with muscles Anatomy/ SKCHIMP chimpanzee skeleton Anatomy/ SKELETN1 human skeleton Anatomy/ SKHAND skeleton and soft tissues of human hand Anatomy/ SKHORSE horse skeleton Anatomy/ SKHORSE2 horse skeleton with soft tissues outline Anatomy/ SKMAN human skeleton Anatomy/ SKORANGT orangutang skeleton Anatomy/ SKSNAKE snake skeleton Anatomy/ SKTURTLE turtle skeleton Animal/ ANTLERS reindeer skull with antlers Animal/ BARNYARD rooster in barnyard Animal/ BEE01 bumblebee Animal/ BIRD02 hawk with plants Animal/ BIRD03 various birds, in group Animal/ BIRD04 hawk Animal/ BIRD05 gull Animal/ BIRD06 pair of partridges Animal/ BIRD07 vulture Animal/ BIRD08 water bird Animal/ BIRD09 bird with wings spread Animal/ BIRD10 two birds Animal/ BIRDNEST baby birds in nest Animal/ BOAR01 wild boar Animal/ BULL01 bull closeup Animal/ BULL02 bull Animal/ BULLFT01 bull with picador, bullfight Animal/ BURRO01 burro with pack on mountain trail Animal/ BURROMAN man with laden burro Animal/ BUTRFLY1 butterfly Animal/ BUTRFLY2 butterfly Animal/ CAMEL01 camel Animal/ CARIBOU caribou Animal/ CATBIRDS cat with birds Animal/ CATNDOG cats and dogs Animal/ CATTLE01 cattle near barn Animal/ CHEETAH1 cheetah about to pounce Animal/ CHMELEON chameleon Animal/ CRICKET cartoon cricket walking upright Animal/ CROW01 crow and vase, as in the Aesop fable Animal/ DEER01 deer laying beneath a tree Animal/ DFLY2 dragonfly Animal/ DFLY3 dragonfly Animal/ DOG01 dog trotting Animal/ DOG02 dog Animal/ DONKEY overloaded donkey Animal/ DOVE01 dove with olive branch Animal/ DRAGNFLY dragonfly Animal/ EAGLE01 eagle and snake silhouette Animal/ ELEPHNT1 elephant Animal/ ELEPHNT2 elephant in library Animal/ ELEPHNT3 elephant in nursery Animal/ ELEPHNT4 elephant Animal/ FEATHER feather Animal/ FLOCK small flock of birds, walking Animal/ FLY1 dragonfly Animal/ GEESE01 pair of geese in flight Animal/ GEESE02 pair of geese in flight, more detailed Animal/ GEESE03 geese on ground Animal/ GEESE04 goose in barnyard Animal/ GHOPPER grasshopper Animal/ GHOPPER2 grasshopper Animal/ GIRAFFE giraffe Animal/ GOAT01 head of goat Animal/ GOAT02 head of goat Animal/ HAWK01 hawk on ground Animal/ HEDGEHOG hedgehog Animal/ HORSE01 man on horseback Animal/ HORSE02 man leading horse Animal/ HORSE03 running riderless horse coming to a stop Animal/ HORSE04 standing horse with rider Animal/ HORSE05 man standing with horse Animal/ HORSE06 man walking with horse Animal/ HORSE07 man walking with horse Animal/ HORSE08 round decorative horse emblem Animal/ HORSE09 knight on horseback Animal/ HORSE10 horse and burro Animal/ HORSE12 horse in paddock Animal/ HORSE13 horse walking with man Animal/ HORSE14 sitting horse and rider Animal/ HORSE15 rearing horse and rider Animal/ HORSE16 standing horse and rider Animal/ HORSEMN2 indian (Asia) horsemen riding Animal/ HORSES01 chase, on horseback Animal/ INSECT01 beetle Animal/ INSECT02 caterpillar Animal/ INSECT03 flea Animal/ INSECT04 beetle Animal/ KANGAROO jumping kangaroo Animal/ LEMUR lemur Animal/ LEOPARD leopard silhouette Animal/ LION02 lion walking to right, Egyptian style Animal/ LION03 lion walking to left, Egyptian style Animal/ LION04 lion statue Animal/ LION05 lion walking Animal/ LION06 decorative lion drawing, rearing Animal/ LION07 decorative lion, French style Animal/ LION08 lion walking Animal/ LION09 lion as King of Beasts Animal/ LION10 lion standing Animal/ LION11 head of lion Animal/ LIONHD01 head of lion Animal/ LIONHD02 pack of lions Animal/ LIONS01 lions and wolves Animal/ LIONS02 lion and wolves Animal/ LIONS03 lion outside Animal/ MANTIS praying mantis Animal/ MONKEY1 monkey riding on bear Animal/ MOSQUITO mosquito Animal/ MOTH01 moth Animal/ MOTH02 moth Animal/ MOTH04 moth Animal/ OWL01 owl's head Animal/ OWL02 owl perched on branch, watching mouse Animal/ PARROT1 parrot on perch Animal/ PARTRIDG partridge on ground Animal/ PEACOCK1 peacock, tail spread Animal/ PEACOCK2 peacock, tail spread Animal/ PEACOCK3 peacock on ground Animal/ PEACOCK4 peacock on branch Animal/ PEACOCK6 peacock, pelican Animal/ PEACOCK7 group of peacocks Animal/ PEACOCK8 peacocks in barnyard Animal/ PUFFIN01 puffin Animal/ RABBIT1 rabbit eating Animal/ RABBIT2 rabbit sitting Animal/ RABBITS1 rabbits chasing frogs Animal/ RAM01 ram statue Animal/ ROOSTER1 rooster Animal/ ROOSTER2 rooster Animal/ SANDPIPR sandpiper Animal/ SCORP02 scorpion Animal/ SCORPION scorpion Animal/ SNAKE1 snake Animal/ SPIDER spider Animal/ SPIDERWB spiderweb in tree, bird, wall Animal/ STORK01 stork Animal/ TIGER01 tiger resting Animal/ TIGER02 tiger walking Animal/ VULTURE vulture perched Animal/ VULTURE2 vultures Animal/ WRKHORSE draft horse Animal/ ZEBRA01 zebra Bookbat/ BOOKBT01 wide dingbat, diamonds Bookbat/ BOOKBT02 wide dingbat, suns Bookbat/ BOOKBT03 wide dingbat, flower Bookbat/ BOOKBT04 wide dingbat, flower Bookbat/ BOOKBT05 octagonal dingbat Bookbat/ BOOKBT06 wide dingbat Bookbat/ BOOKBT08 wide dingbat, wheat stalks Bookbat/ BOOKBT09 triangular dingbat, gargoyle Bookbat/ BOOKBT10 triangular dingbat, wolf's head Bookbat/ BOOKBT11 wide dingbat, plants Bookbat/ BOOKBT13 wide repeating dingbat Bookbat/ BOOKBT16 wide dingbat, floral Bookbat/ BOOKBT17 wide dingbat, ivy Bookbat/ BOOKBT18 wide dingbat, tulips Bookbat/ BOOKBT19 wide dingbat, bas-relief Bookbat/ BOOKBT20 wide dingbat, bas-relief leaves Bookbat/ BOOKBT21 decorative quill pen dingbat Bookbat/ BOOKBT22 dingbat, face Bookbat/ BOOKBT23 wide dingbat, face Bookbat/ BOOKBT24 wide dingbat, face & flowers Bookbat/ BOOKBT25 dingbat, face & flowers Bookbat/ BOOKBT26 wide dingbat, face & ivy Bookbat/ BOOKBT27 dingbat, face & plants Bookbat/ BOOKBT28 dingbat, shell & cherubs Bookbat/ BOOKBT29 wide dingbat, horses Bookbat/ BOOKBT30 dingbat, winged wolf Bookbat/ BOOKBT31 dingbat, pair of pelicans Bookbat/ BOOKBT32 dingbat, leaves, geometric Bookbat/ BOOKBT33 wide dingbat, silhouette of leaves Bookbat/ BOOKBT34 wide dingbat, leaves Bookbat/ BOOKBT35 wide dingbat, windblown trees Bookbat/ BOOKBT36 wide dingbat, grapevine Bookbat/ BOOKBT37 dingbat, plant with white fruit Bookbat/ BOOKBT38 dingbat, plant with dark fruit Bookbat/ BOOKBT39 wide dingbat, shells Bookbat/ BOOKBT40 wide dingbat, tree branches Bookbat/ BOOKBT41 wide dingbat, onion silhouette Bookbat/ BOOKBT42 wide dingbat, fish Bookbat/ BOOKBT43 round lily dingbat Bookbat/ BOOKBT44 round dove dingbat Bookbat/ BOOKBT45 dingbat, cherubs Bookbat/ BOOKBT46 dingbat, coat of arms Bookbat/ BOOKBT48 wide dingbat, child & birds Bookbat/ BOOKBT52 wide dingbat, demon face Bookbat/ BOOKBT53 wide dingbat, shell & net Bookbat/ BOOKBT54 wide dingbat, birds Bookbat/ BOOKBT55 wide dingbat, wolf & flowers Bookbat/ BOOKBT56 wide dingbat, animals & flowers Bookbat/ BOOKBT57 wide dingbat, birds Bookbat/ BOOKBT58 wide dingbat, leaves Bookbat/ BOOKBT59 wide dingbat, bird and flowers Bookbat/ BOOKBT61 triangular dingbat, dragon heads Bookbat/ BOOKBT62 round dingbat, daisy in field Bookbat/ BOOKBT63 dingbat, pair of birds Bookbat/ BOOKBT64 dingbat, dragon Bookbat/ BOOKBT65 triangular dingbat, pair of birds Bookbat/ BOOKBT67 wide dingbat, mer-man Bookbat/ BOOKBT68 wide dingbat, floral geometric Bookbat/ BOOKBT69 wide dingbat, mask Bookbat/ COATARM1 coat of arms with bishop's hat Bookbat/ COATARM5 coat of arms with lion & unicorn Bookbat/ DAISY04 wide dingbat, daisies Bookbat/ DAISY06 wide dingbat, black daisies Bookbat/ FLEUR01 fleur-de-lis Bookbat/ GARLAND5 round garland of roses Bookbat/ THISTLE1 thistle blossom Building/ CAMPOUT quick shelter on riverbank Building/ CASTLE01 castle on riverbank Building/ CHALET1 swiss building Building/ COTTAGE1 straw roof hut Building/ COTTAGE2 small hut with log pile Building/ COTTAGE3 small house with walk Building/ CUPOLA1 decorative building cupola Building/ HOUSE1 victorian mansion Building/ LIBRARY1 interior view of library Building/ MILL01 windmill Building/ PRNTSHOP printshop, two views Building/ STORE01 store window Building/ STORE02 store with horsecart Building/ STORE03 store front Building/ VILLAGE small village built on dock in lake Children/ BOY01 boy with top and stick Children/ BOY02 boy with umbrellas Children/ BOY03 boys with bird & cage Children/ BOY04 four boys Children/ BOY05 negro boy near wagon wheel Children/ BOY06 teen boy dressed up Children/ BOY07 boy's portrait, side view Children/ BOY08 two boys, walking Children/ BUST03 statue bust of young boy, big hair Children/ CRYING little girl crying Children/ DAUGHTER statesman with two daughters Children/ DOG_BABY baby pulling dog's tail Children/ FREEZING little girl in cold wind Children/ GIRL01 teen girl in greek costume Children/ GIRL03 teen girl outdoors by stream Children/ GIRL04 teen girl outdoors with dog Children/ GIRLFISH girl fishing Children/ MARSHBOY boy in swampgrass Children/ NEWPET young boy with the dog that followed him home Children/ PAPOOSE baby wrapped in indian carrier Children/ RECYCLE1 young boy with bottle Children/ RECYCLE2 two boys with bottles Children/ RUNNING1 child chasing bird Children/ SOLDIER2 boy playing soldier Children/ STUDENT1 boy at school desk Children/ STUDENT2 teen girl at school desk Children/ STUDENT3 girl writing letter Children/ URCHIN1 boy in ragged clothes Children/ URCHIN2 boy begging Children/ YOUNGIRL girl in fancy dress Hardware/ ASTROLAB astrolabe, ancient sextant Hardware/ BAROMTR barometer Hardware/ BOOKSET open book and stack of volumes Hardware/ CANDLE01 candlestick, lit Hardware/ CANNON01 cannon in castle top Hardware/ CANNON02 cannon, short Hardware/ CANNON03 cannon Hardware/ CANNON04 cannon with aiming mechanism Hardware/ CANNON05 long-range artillery Hardware/ CANNON06 field cannon with wheels Hardware/ COIN01 greek coin Hardware/ GEARWORK gears Hardware/ HOURGLAS hour glass and books emblem Hardware/ JEWELRY1 jewelry with dangling angels Hardware/ KEYSIGN1 sign with hanging key Hardware/ LAMP01 light bulb Hardware/ LAMP02 light bulb and socket Hardware/ MSCOPE microscope Hardware/ PHONE01 wall phone, crank style Hardware/ POTTERY vases and dishes Hardware/ QUILL01 feather quill pen Hardware/ QUIVER1 quiver, bow, and arrows Hardware/ REEL fishing reel Hardware/ URN01 tall decorative urn Hardware/ URN02 thin-neck urn with handle Hardware/ URN03 wide urn Hardware/ URN04 urn with bird decoration Hardware/ URN05 urn with girl decoration Hardware/ URN06 amphora, ancient wine bottle Hardware/ URN07 sacrificial bowl Hardware/ URN08 round thin-necked urn Hardware/ URN09 tall urn Hardware/ URN10 wide urn Hardware/ URN11 pitcher Hardware/ WARRIOR5 vase with warrior decoration Hardware/ WARRIOR6 vase with warrior decoration, small Hardware/ WHEELBRW woman pushing loaded wheelbarrow Holiday/ ANGEL01 angel in flight, with trumpet Holiday/ ANGEL02 angel in flight with book Holiday/ ANGEL06 angel blindfolded Holiday/ ARK_LOAD pairs of animals near mountain Holiday/ BIBLE01 bible and spectacles Holiday/ BRIDE01 bride in fancy gown Holiday/ CARNIVAL revelers in masks, with instruments Holiday/ CELEBRAT soldier with toy horse, flag, toy trumpet Holiday/ CHERUB01 winged cherub Holiday/ CORACLE1 two winged cherubs in coracle with sail Holiday/ CRONE02 hag in throne with cats Holiday/ CUPID01 cupid with bouquet Holiday/ CUPID02 cupid with butterfly Holiday/ CUPID04 cupid on globe Holiday/ CUPID05 Elizabethan cupid with bow and arrow Holiday/ CUPID06 cherubs with mask Holiday/ CUPID07 fat winged cherub sitting on cloud Holiday/ EDEN01 Adam and Eve, snake, tree, and demons Holiday/ FLYWITCH flying witch, Halloween style Holiday/ FLYWTCH2 flying witch, Halloween style in circle Holiday/ GHOG_DAY Groundhog sees his shadow Holiday/ HARPIE harpie and prisoners Holiday/ HARVEST1 bountiful harvest, mostly wheat Holiday/ IRISH St. Patrick's Day outfit Holiday/ JOSEPH01 Joseph with baby Jesus Holiday/ JULY4TH1 Fourth of July, boys with firecrackers Holiday/ JULY4TH2 Fourth of July, children Holiday/ MARY01 Mary Holiday/ MATCHMKR cupid wears a suit Holiday/ MDAY01 rose in bloom Holiday/ MENORAH1 seven-candle menorah Holiday/ NEWYEAR old year ready to go out on New Year's Eve Holiday/ NOEL01 Christmas card decoration Holiday/ OCT31ST Halloween scarecrows sitting Holiday/ PROPOSE wedding proposal on bent knee Holiday/ RAINDAY1 unhappy man in storm with umbrella Holiday/ RAINDAY2 man in heavy rain, umbrella Holiday/ ROCKHRSE two children on rocking horse Holiday/ SCARCROW three scarecrows for Halloween Holiday/ SCRIBE biblical scribe Holiday/ SHEIK Arabian sheik Holiday/ SPRING01 daffodil Holiday/ SPRING02 early blooms Holiday/ SPRING03 daisy Holiday/ STOCKING Christmas stocking Holiday/ TEMPLE01 ancient temple Holiday/ TIMELOSS old man time on a clock Holiday/ TOAST proposing a holiday toast Holiday/ TOYCART boy pulling toys in cart Holiday/ TOYHORSE king on a small toy rocking horse Holiday/ TOYHRSE2 boys with large rocking horse, British flag Holiday/ TURKEY01 turkey in yard Holiday/ VALENTIN valentine and cupid Holiday/ VALENTN2 lady with hearts Holiday/ WASHNGTN George Washington Holiday/ WEDDING1 hands with wedding ring, flowers Holiday/ WINDYDAY lady losing umbrella in windstorm Holiday/ WITCH01 witch cutting off head of demon Holiday/ WITCH02 witch riding goat Holiday/ WITCHES three witches with pointed hats Humor/ ALARM woman running toward viewer, expressing alarm Humor/ AMPUTEE man with two peg legs and an ale Humor/ ARGUE01 wife hitting husband with his pipe Humor/ ARGUE02 wife hitting husband with rolling pin Humor/ ARGUE03 wife dragging husband by his jaw Humor/ ASSASSIN small assassin with two knives drawn Humor/ BAD_BIRD large bird chasing man Humor/ BAD_BULL bull about to enter a china shop Humor/ BADDOG dog with broken crockery Humor/ BADNEWS man reading bad news in paper Humor/ BALANCE jester carrying a balance Humor/ BARREL2 man dressed in barrels Humor/ BEGGAR01 two beggars, but only one contribution Humor/ BOXING cherubs boxing Humor/ BULL03 bull tossing man and trumpet in the air Humor/ BUMPKIN country bumpkin Humor/ BURGLARS two burglars choose the same home Humor/ CAT_NINE cat soldier with his whip Humor/ CATSEAT women sitting on her cat-shaped chair Humor/ CHESS01 stag and lion playing chess Humor/ CHIEF indian headdress of feathers Humor/ CLOWNS1 three clowns standing Humor/ CLOWNS2 a clown and his audience Humor/ COWTOSS two cows tossing milkmaid in air Humor/ CUT_UPS man and woman with scissors Humor/ DANCER05 dancing jester Humor/ DANCER06 dancing hag Humor/ DOGLIGHT dog carrying a lantern, dressed as monk Humor/ DRAGON06 dragon's head, looks like part donkey Humor/ DRINKER2 drunken gentleman Humor/ DRUNK01 drunken man rests at a well Humor/ DRUNK02 drunken gentleman walking Humor/ DRUNKARD very large drunken man Humor/ E_FANT01 elephant in evening jacket bows to a lady Humor/ E_FANT02 elephant in evening jacket alone Humor/ E_FANT03 elephant dances with lady Humor/ E_FANT04 elephant walks with lady Humor/ E_FANT05 elephant sits down with lady Humor/ E_FANT06 elephant chats with gentleman Humor/ E_FANT07 elephant falls through a screen Humor/ E_FANT08 elephant falls on his face Humor/ E_FANT09 elephant falls flat on his back Humor/ E_FANT10 elephant tries to walk it off, but... Humor/ E_FANT11 elephant falls down steps... Humor/ E_FANT12 elephant lands half through a door Humor/ E_FANT13 elephant goes home drunk Humor/ FASTFOOD man eating fast Humor/ FAT01 fat man carrying belly in wheelbarrow Humor/ FAT02 three very rotund generals Humor/ FAT03 very fat professor Humor/ FOXMONK fox dressed as monk, with dead birds Humor/ GOOSESHU blacksmith giving goose horseshoes Humor/ HI_CHAIR little girl in high chair wants dinner Humor/ HOTFOOT man with two peg legs soaks his feet and smokes Humor/ HUNTING5 gentleman hunter must pay for his small prey Humor/ JESTER01 jester near house Humor/ JESTER02 jester prancing Humor/ JESTER03 jester prancing Humor/ JESTER04 jester sowing seeds Humor/ JESTER05 jester seated Humor/ JESTER06 jester in fancy dress Humor/ KABOOM man and ladder in explosion Humor/ KID01 very surly child with bag and bottle Humor/ KING01 silly king on his throne Humor/ KING02 king of rags Humor/ LION12 lion in black tie and tails Humor/ LOOK_UP Ooh! Look up in the sky, everybody! Humor/ LOST_HAT lady loses hat to giraffe visiting her garden Humor/ LUNCH01 two men eat lunch Humor/ MEDICAL1 man sick in bed takes his medicine Humor/ MEDICINE doctor doses his patient Humor/ MESSY three children eat jam very messily Humor/ MONEYBAG man with moneybag for head Humor/ MR_HOOK Mr. Hook deserves his name Humor/ NO_RIDER horse with man who can't ride Humor/ PIGFLY round emblem of pig with wings Humor/ PLAYPEN day care for women on the move Humor/ PONY01 large soldier on a very small pony Humor/ PULLCART roosters pull cart holding rat Humor/ RAINDOG dog with an umbrella Humor/ ROOSTER3 rooster in black tie and tails Humor/ ROTUND family of very well rounded people Humor/ RUNNING lady and girl in a great hurry Humor/ SHIPFOOL a ship of fools leaves shore Humor/ SHORT maid cannot reach bottle on shelf Humor/ SINGER01 elderly man reads hymn book Humor/ SINGER02 elderly man tries the book farther away Humor/ SINGER03 elderly man sings his best Humor/ SINGER04 elderly man sits down quietly Humor/ SPOON spoon with a face in the liquid Humor/ SPRATT Jack Spratt and his wife Humor/ TAILOR a very fast tailor shortens a jacket Humor/ TEABREWR growing pots of tea in a garden Humor/ THINICE two boys fall through the ice Humor/ WATERING watering plants in the rain Humor/ WILDRIDE wagon and horses out of control Humor/ WITCH03 witch with book and boy Humor/ WOLF01 wolf dressed up with pole Misc/ CARDGAME cards as played by the people on the cards Misc/ CARDS hand of cards Misc/ CARDS02 three ladies play cards Misc/ CRDHOUSE boy building house of cards Misc/ GALLOWS1 gallows, empty Misc/ MASK01 two masks Misc/ MASK02 ancient mask Misc/ MASK03 winged mask Misc/ MASK04 triple mask Misc/ MASK05 boy in mask Misc/ MASK06 masks of comedy and tragedy Misc/ STOCKS01 man in stocks Misc/ STOCKS02 man in stocks with crowd Misc/ SUN01 sun with a face Misc/ WAGONTRN wagon train heading west Music/ BAGPIPES man playing bag pipes Music/ CHORUS conductor leading a chorus Music/ CYMBALS boy about to bang cymbals Music/ DANCER01 man dancing alone Music/ DANCER02 couple dancing Music/ DANCER04 ballerina in a jump Music/ DANCER08 dance of the veils Music/ DANCERS several ballet dancers Music/ FIDDLE01 fiddle with crossed bows Music/ FLUTE01 cherub playing the flute Music/ FLUTE02 boy playing the flute Music/ HARP01 harp Music/ HARP02 harp Music/ MUSICN01 man playing violin Music/ MUSICN02 man playing viola Music/ MUSICN03 greek man playing bouzouki Music/ MUSICN04 half man, half goat (Pan) plays violin Music/ MUSICN05 violin player Music/ MUSICN06 man playing hurdy-gurdy Music/ MUSICN07 pigs playing the violin Music/ MUSICN08 pig and her litter playing a horn Music/ MUSICN09 nun playing a flute Music/ MUSICN10 demon plays the drums Music/ MUSICN11 bear plays the bagpipe Music/ MUSICN12 mermaid and merman playing a violin Music/ MUSICN13 man playing the mandolin Music/ ORGANIST man plays the pipe organ Music/ SINGER05 two men sing Music/ WALTZ2 fancy lady and gent begin a waltz Myth/ ANUBIS Anubis, Egyptian god of death Myth/ ANUBIS2 Anubis, Egyptian god of death Myth/ ATLAS Atlas holding up the world Myth/ ATLAS2 Atlas holding up the world Myth/ ATLAS3 Atlas holding up the world Myth/ BATTLE02 animals riding into battle Myth/ BATTLE03 animals riding into battle Myth/ BATTLE04 monsters in battle Myth/ BATTLE05 ritualistic battle Myth/ BEELZBUB devil in full Beelzebub dress Myth/ BOOKBT50 two flying horses in wide dingbat Myth/ BULLBIRD bird has the head of a bull Myth/ CERCADO Ceberus or Cercado, three-headed dog Myth/ CHIMERA1 Chimera, part lion, part eagle Myth/ CORPSE corpse in coffin Myth/ DEADSHOT death shooting coffins from a cannon Myth/ DEATH02 death in flight Myth/ DEATH03 death walking off with a victim Myth/ DEATH04 death leads a victim away Myth/ DEATH05 death leads another victim Myth/ DEATH06 death pulls a victim back Myth/ DEATH07 death spears a knight Myth/ DEMON01 demon sitting Myth/ DEMON02 demon or gargoyle looking over balcony Myth/ DEMON03 demon with wings Myth/ DEMON04 demon with leonine features Myth/ DEMON05 demon preparing to carve his dinner Myth/ DEVIL01 devil dancing around a fire Myth/ DEVIL02 devil looks down at lovers and cherubs Myth/ DIOGENES Diogenes sailing off in a tub Myth/ DRAGON01 dragon is part goat Myth/ DRAGON02 Oriental dragon Myth/ DRAGON03 winged dragon statue Myth/ DRAGON04 small dragon Myth/ DRAGONS1 a dragon chorus line Myth/ ELF1 elf in tall hat Myth/ FLIGHT1 boy and girl ride on a pole Myth/ FLIGHT2 Mercury, messenger of the gods, in flight Myth/ FLIGHT3 Roman rides a horse through the clouds Myth/ FLYER01 demon astride a small dragon Myth/ FORTUNE Fortuna or Fortune, Greek goddess Myth/ GRIFFIN1 griffin, part lion, human and eagle Myth/ GRIFFIN2 griffin, part lion and eagle Myth/ GRIFFIN3 griffin, part lion and eagle Myth/ GRIFFIN6 flock of griffins Myth/ HORSES02 statue of two-headed horse Myth/ HUNTING2 Roman soldiers in battle, on horseback Myth/ HUNTING3 wounded lion Myth/ HUNTING4 Romans in two-wheel chariot Myth/ ISIS Isis, Egyptian goddess of nature Myth/ JUPITER Roman god Jupiter Myth/ KNIGHT01 knight on horseback Myth/ KNIGHT02 knight on rearing charger Myth/ KNIGHT03 knight on horseback Myth/ KNIGHT04 knight in armor Myth/ KNIGHT05 knight in armor Myth/ KNIGHT06 knight and rearing charger Myth/ LAMPMAN1 Diogenes looking for an honest man Myth/ LAMPMAN2 Diogenes and the hand of god Myth/ LIONS04 two-headed lion statue Myth/ MAMMOTH wooly mammoth Myth/ MEDUSA01 Medusa, Greek gorgon Myth/ MEDUSA02 Medusa, Greek gorgon Myth/ MEDUSA03 Medusa, Greek gorgon Myth/ MERCURY Roman messenger of the gods Myth/ MERMAID1 mermaid at shore Myth/ MINOTAUR minotaur, half man, half bull Myth/ MORFEO Morfeo or Morpheus, god of dreams Myth/ MUSE Greek daughter of Zeus Myth/ NEPTUNE Roman Neptune, or Greek Poseidon, god of water Myth/ OGRE ogre and young woman Myth/ PARADE parade of birds, dwarves, elephants Myth/ PEGASUS winged horse Myth/ PERSEPHN Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter Myth/ PERSEUS Perseus, slayer of Medusa Myth/ PHAROH Egyptian Pharaoh Myth/ PHOENIX1 Phoenix, bird of fire Myth/ POWTAI Powtai Myth/ PRIEST01 Egyptian priest Myth/ RAMSES1 Egyptian chariot Myth/ RAMSES2 Egyptian warriors Myth/ SATYR1 goat and Satyr Myth/ SATYR2 Satyr wide dingbat Myth/ SILENO Sileno or Silenus, woodland deity Myth/ SKULL01 human skull Myth/ SKULL02 human skull with collar Myth/ SKULLWNG skull, hourglass, and wings Myth/ SOLDIER4 rat pulling tiny soldier riding in thimble Myth/ SPHYNX01 sphynx engraving Myth/ SPHYNX02 sphynx statue Myth/ SPHYNX03 female sphynx Myth/ SULTAN sultan and his daughter Myth/ TERROR01 terror mask with crawling animals Myth/ TILTING1 warrior tilting on bull Myth/ TILTING2 tilting warrior on donkey Myth/ TYPHON01 Typhon, monster defeated by Zeus Myth/ UGLY01 big, ugly, and smoking a pipe Myth/ UNICORN1 unicorn looking back Myth/ UNICORN2 unicorn and thistle Myth/ UNICORN3 unicorn rearing Myth/ UNICORN4 unicorn and flagpost Myth/ WARHORSE horse and warrior in battle gear Myth/ WARRIOR3 warrior with mace Myth/ WARRIOR4 warrior with spear Myth/ WINGS01 winged man in round emblem Myth/ WIZARD1 wizard and conjured spirit Myth/ WOLFMAN1 wolfman captured People/ AFRICAN1 black man with top hat People/ ARTIST1 boy painting a picture People/ ARTIST2 man drawing, with cows as audience People/ AUDIENCE enthusiastic performance audience People/ BAKER1 baker with brick hearth oven People/ BANKROBR bank robber fleeing with bags of cash People/ BARKEEP barkeeper and customer People/ BARKEEP2 barkeeper mixing a drink People/ BARREL man pushes barrel on wheeled carrier People/ BATTLE01 young man with sword People/ BATTLE06 sword fight People/ BEGGAR02 beggar holds up hat for donations People/ BIGMAN1 fat man with cigar leaning on counter People/ BISHOP bishops costume, but with jester's staff People/ BUGLER bugle player on horseback People/ BUST02 bust of man with editor's eyeshade People/ BUST04 bust of man with very curly hair People/ BUTLER01 butler with tray People/ CANDLE02 man with candle squints at small picture People/ CANES man walks with two canes People/ CAPTAIN nautical captain People/ CHAT01 two gentlemen chatting People/ CIGARS two men smoke cigars seated, southern porch scene People/ COBBLER cobbler speaks to customer People/ CONFESS man confessing to his sweetheart People/ COOK01 woman preparing potatoes People/ COOK02 woman weighing ingredients People/ COOK03 man frying dinner People/ COOK04 man gutting fish People/ COUPLE01 man and woman in very fancy dress People/ COUPLE02 man and woman in very fancy dress People/ COUPLE03 man and woman in Sunday outfits People/ COUPLE04 elderly man and woman asleep in bed, close-up People/ COUPLE05 young man and woman, caricature People/ COUPLE06 boy and girl pose near tree People/ COUPLE07 butler and maid People/ COUPLE08 young man and woman seated People/ COUPLE09 man and woman dressed for cold weather People/ COUPLE10 man and woman dressed for evening out People/ COUPLE11 man and woman seated under tree People/ COUPLE12 man and woman walking in a door People/ CRIPPLE1 man with cane, sling, and costume People/ CRONE01 old woman with hat, bag, and cane People/ CRYER1 crier reads news to woman with yoke, two children People/ CRYER2 death crier with quarrantine warning People/ CRYER3 whimsical crier walking People/ DANDY01 two overdressed dandies People/ DANDY02 antique outfit, with bird and cane People/ DANDY03 not quite a musketeer's outfit People/ DANDY04 musketeer People/ DANDY05 old italian outfit People/ DANDY06 Shakespearean clothes People/ DANDY07 cape, hat, and sword People/ DANDY08 American dandy of 19th Century People/ DANDY09 cape, hat, and a very large feather on evil-doer People/ DEAF man with tin ear (literally) People/ DELIVERY cook makes delivery People/ DIVA opera singer People/ DRINKER1 man with shot glass People/ DRINKER3 man with bottle People/ DRINKER4 man with mug People/ DRINKER5 nautical man with pipe and ale People/ DRINKER6 chimney sweep stops by pub People/ DRYHANDS man dries his hands without towels People/ EGYPTIAN girl in Egyptian hairstyle People/ ELDERLY elderly woman knitting People/ EXAMINER man with large magnifying glass examines your work People/ FALL man falling down, carrying bag People/ FATMAN fat man sitting on chair People/ FEEDING feeding the baby People/ FIGHT1 teenagers fighting People/ FISHRMN3 on the way to go fishing People/ FISHRMN4 caught a very small fish People/ FISHRMN6 the fish caught the fisherman People/ FLWRGRL1 girl carrying flowers People/ FLWRGRL2 girl with basket of flowers People/ FLWRGRL3 girl with flower basket, bouquet People/ FLWRGRL4 woman with flower basket People/ FORMAL01 formal dress in the middle ages People/ FRANKLIN Benjamin Franklin People/ FURCOAT woman in fur coat People/ GARDENER woman tending her garden People/ GENT01 gentleman with hat and cane People/ GENT02 portrait closeup of man People/ GENT03 man standing, with cane People/ GENT04 dapper man with plaid suit, cane People/ GENT05 bearded man with glasses People/ GENT06 bald man with beard People/ GENT07 man with mustache, goatee People/ GENT08 man in evening jacket People/ GENT09 black man with sideburns People/ GENT10 man in riding outfit, with cane People/ GENT11 man in smoking jacket, cane People/ GENT12 seated man People/ GENT14 man bowing, in tuxedo People/ GENT15 possible villain's outfit People/ GENT16 villain with top hat off People/ GENT17 man with spectacles on forehead People/ GENT18 man with top hat, perhaps an undertaker People/ GENT19 man at desk, possibly Scrooge People/ GENT20 walking man with pallbearer's hat, umbrella People/ GREEK01 man in traditional Greek outfit People/ GREETING man tips his top hat to couple People/ HANDKISS man greets lady with traditional kiss of her hand People/ HAT_SALE man selling hats, and wearing his inventory People/ HAT01 lady in middle ages hat People/ HAT02 lady in middle ages hat with two points, veil People/ HAT03 lady in pointed hat and veil People/ HAT04 hat like a haystack People/ HAT05 large hat with feather and veils People/ HAT06 bonnet with feathers People/ HAT07 fancy lady's turban People/ HAT09 fancy Spring hat with flowers People/ HAT10 veil and bow People/ HAT11 lady with top hat and scarf for race day People/ HEADBSK2 woman carrying basket on her head in country People/ HEADBSKT woman carrying basket on her head in city People/ HERALD herald reading the news People/ HUNTER01 hunter with two dogs People/ INDIAN1 indian with top hat, cane, South American People/ INDIAN2 large indian, small overdressed white man People/ INVITED girl reads an invitation People/ JOCKEY jockey's outfit People/ JUGGLER1 man juggles three balls People/ KITE01 children flying a kite People/ LADY01 lady in simple hat People/ LADY02 elderly lady in simple hat People/ LADY03 lady in big hairstyle People/ LADY04 lady in evening wear People/ LASSO man practices with lariat People/ LEADER military leader's uniform, French People/ MAID silly maid comes in the door People/ MAN01 man in old hat People/ MAN02 bearded man People/ MAN03 man with beer and hat, possibly Irish People/ MAN04 business man with fedora People/ MAN05 man in cold weather coat People/ MAN06 man in jacket, hat People/ MAN07 man with pipe, dressed well with jacket and hat People/ MAN08 man reads a newspaper People/ MAN09 older man in chair People/ MILKMAID milkmaid with yoke and pail People/ MISTRESS two girls, one with book and stick People/ MUSE02 man ponders something, seated in chair People/ NURSE01 nurse holds baby People/ OLD_MAID old maid looks out her door People/ PAIN this man appears to be in pain People/ PAINTER1 indoor house painter works on wall People/ PAINTER3 indoor house painter works on small scaffold People/ PEGDANCE nautical captain with two peg legs and pipe dances a jig People/ PIKPOCKT pick-pocket at work People/ PIPEBOAT man with pipe in boat leaves a smoke trail People/ PIRATE02 pirate and his captive lady People/ PROFESOR man dressed in academic-style wear of 19th century People/ QUEEN01 queen in her formal costume People/ READING man in top hat reads the news People/ ROBBER colonial robber with gun People/ ROYALTY man and woman in royal evening dress for reception People/ RUSHED01 woman running with two small children People/ SALESGRL sales girl with flyers People/ SALESMAN salesman with flyers People/ SALESMN2 salesman with his wares People/ SCOTSMAN scotsman in traditional kilt People/ SCOTSMN2 caricature scotsman with sword People/ SCRIBE2 scribe writing at his desk People/ SLUMBER man asleep on couch with book People/ SLUMBER2 man asleep in bed with fire danger People/ SMOKER man smoking pipe under tree People/ SNIFTER drinker with candle, examining glass of wine People/ SOLDIER1 soldier with drum, oval emblem People/ SOLDIER3 soldier with drum People/ SOLDIER5 Redcoat soldier marching People/ SOLDIER6 two soldiers on guard duty People/ SOLDIER7 soldier with sword People/ SOLDIER8 beef-eater soldier, caricatured People/ SOLDIER9 group of soldiers marching People/ SPEAKER man speaking, his back to us People/ STOUT heavy girl People/ STRICT strict woman, possibly schoolmistress People/ TEACH01 teacher, girl, cane switch People/ THIRST thirsty girl with a bucket People/ UMBRELLA gentleman with cane and umbrella People/ WAITER waiter serving plate from tray People/ WAITER01 waiter with apron and towel People/ WAKEUP man wakes up in bed after late night People/ WALKING two gentlemen walking People/ WALKING2 family out for a walk People/ WALKING3 man with boy walking too fast People/ WIG01 woman's wig is very tall People/ WIG02 wig with feathers People/ WOMAN01 old woman walks with cane People/ WOMAN02 closeup of old woman People/ WRITER writer with pen, inkpot People/ YAWN01 man yawning Plants/ APPLES1 apple in sections Plants/ BOUQUET1 bouquet in straw basket Plants/ BOUQUET2 plant in basket Plants/ BOUQUET3 wide dingbat of flowers Plants/ BOUQUET4 flowers in straw basket Plants/ BOUQUET5 basket of small flowers Plants/ BULB1 flower bulb sprouting Plants/ DAISY01 daisy in field in square emblem Plants/ DAISY02 round emblem of daisy in field Plants/ DAISY03 round daisy icon Plants/ FLOWERS flowering vine in bloom Plants/ FLWRPOT1 flowers blooming in pot with handles Plants/ FLWRPOT2 flowers in fancy wall pot Plants/ FRUIT1 bananas, apples Plants/ FRUIT3 peach tree branch Plants/ GARLAND1 garland wall decoration Plants/ GARLAND2 fancy planted wall decoration Plants/ GARLAND3 hanging garland Plants/ GARLAND4 double garland Plants/ LILIES lilies in bloom Plants/ ORCHID1 tall orchid in bloom Plants/ ORCHID2 orchid in bloom Plants/ PLANTS01 blooming plant Plants/ POLLEN pollen grains Plants/ POPPY poppy blossom Plants/ ROSE01 rose icon Plants/ ROSE02 rose bloom and stems Plants/ SUMAC poison sumac, blooming Plants/ TREE01 tree pruned to cone shape Plants/ TREE02 row of trees Plants/ TREE03 row of trees Plants/ TREE04 row of evergreens Plants/ TREE05 outlined tree Plants/ TREE06 tree in oval landscape Plants/ VASE01 wall hanging vase Plants/ VASE02 table vase Plants/ VEGETS01 potatoes, sprouting Plants/ VEGETS02 eggplant tomatoes, pepper Shadow/ BUST01 silhouette of man with cigar Shadow/ CHILD01 silhouette of boy with hoop Shadow/ CHILD02 silhouette of girl with flowers Shadow/ CHILD03 silhouette of boy and girl with wagon Shadow/ CHILD04 silhouette of girl with doll Shadow/ CHILD05 silhouette of woman and two children Shadow/ CHILD06 silhouette of three children Shadow/ CHILD07 silhouette of woman, infant, two children Shadow/ CHILD08 silhouette of two children and dog Shadow/ CUPID08 silhouette of cupids Shadow/ DANCER07 silhouette of dancing woman Shadow/ DOGLEAD2 silhouette of small dog pulling woman on leash Shadow/ MUSICN14 silhouette of fiddler Shadow/ MUSICN15 silhouette of violinist Shadow/ NAPOLEON silhouette of Napoleon Bonaparte Shadow/ PAINTER2 silhouette of artist painting Shadow/ PEACOCK5 silhouette of two peacocks and a small tree Shadow/ PROFILE1 silhouette of bust of woman Shadow/ PROFILE2 silhouette of bust of woman Shadow/ PROFILE3 silhouette of bust of woman, with hat Shadow/ PROFILE4 silhouette of bust of man Shadow/ PROFILE5 silhouette of bust of man Shadow/ PROFILE6 silhouette of bust of man in 18th Cent. wig Shadow/ PROFILE7 silhouette of bust of man Shadow/ PROFILE8 silhouette of bust of woman Shadow/ PROFILE9 silhouette of boy Shadow/ READER01 silhouette of man reading in chair Shadow/ SCHOOL silhouette of school room activity Shadow/ SEAHRSE2 silhouette of seahorse Shadow/ SHADOW01 silhouette of bust of woman in Spring hat Shadow/ SHADOW02 silhouette of bust of woman in veiled hat Shadow/ SHADOW03 oval vignette of man in military hat Shadow/ SHADOW04 silhouette of bust of man Shadow/ SHADOW05 silhouette of bust of woman in wide hat Shadow/ SHELL5 silhouette of sea shell with rope Shadow/ SIT01 silhouette of woman in chair sewing Shadow/ SIT02 silhouette of man in chair Shadow/ SIT03 silhouette of man in chair Shadow/ SIT04 silhouette of man in chair in animated discussion Shadow/ STAND01 silhouette of man standing, with cane Shadow/ STAND02 silhouette of man standing Shadow/ STAND03 silhouette of woman standing Shadow/ STAND04 silhouette of man standing Shadow/ STAND05 silhouette of man standing, with cane Shadow/ STAND06 silhouette of man standing Shadow/ STAND07 silhouette of man standing, with papers Shadow/ STAND08 silhouette of man standing, gesturing Shadow/ STAND09 silhouette of man with cape and hat, standing Shadow/ STAND10 silhouette of man with musician's jacket, standing Shadow/ STAND11 silhouette of man in military uniform, standing Shadow/ STAND12 silhouette of woman in hat and veil, standing Shadow/ STAND13 silhouette of man in top hat, standing Shadow/ STAND14 silhouette of man standing Shadow/ STAND15 silhouette of fat man standing Shadow/ STAND16 silhouette of woman with bustle standing Shadow/ STAND17 silhouette of man standing, with top hat, cane Shadow/ STAND18 silhouette of man standing, with sword, cape Shadow/ STAND19 silhouette of warrior standing with sword, headdress Shadow/ STAND20 silhouette of woman throwing arrows Shadow/ STAND21 silhouette of woman with hooded jacket, hat Shadow/ STAND22 silhouette of man with book, standing Shadow/ STAND23 silhouette of man standing, gesturing Shadow/ STAND24 silhouette of woman with cane, bustle Shadow/ STAND25 silhouette of woman with purse, standing Shadow/ SWEEP silhouette of chimney sweep Shadow/ VILLAIN1 silhouette of villain with cape and hat Trains/ 437 437 consolidation locomotive, Pennsylvania RR Co. Trains/ 588 588 Six wheeled switching loco. Schenectady Loco. Works Trains/ BOGIE Bogie truck Trains/ BRAKEMAN American railroad brakeman Trains/ BRAKES1 closeup of railroad breaks Trains/ CAMPBELL Henry R. Campbell's Loco., Philadelphia, 1836 Trains/ CONDUCTR American railroad conductor Trains/ COOPER Peter Cooper's locomotive, B & O RR, 1829 Trains/ COUPLER Janney car coupler Trains/ CUTAWAY1 American locomotive in cutaway-side Trains/ CUTAWAY2 American locomotive in cutaway-front Trains/ DECAPOD Decapod loco, by Baldwin Loco. Works, Philadelphia Trains/ DEWITT The De Witt Clinton, Mohawk & Hudson RR, 1831 Trains/ EASTLAKE street railway locomotive, by Baldwin Loco. Works Trains/ ENGINE1 Stephenson's steam driven brakes, 1833 Trains/ FORNEY Forney Tank Loco, by Rogers Loco. & Machine Works Trains/ GRASSHPR Grasshopper locomotive Trains/ HUDSON Mowawk & Hudson Train--1st reg. schedule passenger line Trains/ HUDSON94 Hudson tank loco., by Baldwin Locomotive works Trains/ JERVIS John B. Jervis's loco, Mohawk & Hudson RR, 1831 Trains/ JW_BOWKE suburban traffic loco, Baldwin Loco. works Trains/ LAUGHLIN four-wheeled switching locomotive, Baldwin Trains/ MCRR 10-wheeled passenger loco, Schenectady Loco. Works Trains/ MIDLAND English RR carriage, Midland Rd. Trains/ MOGUL Mogul loco., Schenectady Loco. Works Trains/ PENN_CAR Pennsylvania passenger car Trains/ PLANET Planet locomotive, George & Robert Stephenson & Co. Trains/ PRR1063 American passenger locomotive Trains/ PULLMAN Pullman sleeping car "Pioneer" Trains/ RAIL_CAR early stage on rails, Baltimore & Ohio RR, 1830 Trains/ ROCKET George Stephenson's Rocket, 1st steam locomotive Trains/ SIGNAL dwarf semaphores and split switch Trains/ STCOACH1 stage coach on rails, 1831 Trains/ STCOACH2 early rail coach Trains/ STOCKTON Stockton & Darlington engine and cars Trains/ TRAIN01 steam locomotive & tender, 4-6-2 Trains/ TRAIN02 steam locomotive & tender, 4-4-8 Trains/ TROLLEY street car, trolley Trains/ WOODCAR Baltimore & Ohio RR firewood car Trains/ WRR_CAR Western Railroad of Massachusetts, early passenger car Trans/ AUTO01 old car Trans/ AUTO02 old car, open top Trans/ AUTO03 old car, open top & facing second seat Trans/ AUTO04 old car, with back seat Trans/ AUTO05 two old cars in traffic Trans/ AUTO06 old delivery truck Trans/ AUTO08 open top old car Trans/ BALLOON1 hot air balloon Trans/ BALLOON2 hot air balloon Trans/ BALLOON3 hot air balloon Trans/ BALLOON4 dirigible balloon Trans/ BUCKBRD buckboard with one horse, in countryside Trans/ CARRIAGE Roman two-wheeled chariot Trans/ COACH01 coach with lantern Trans/ CYCLE01 pair of motorcycles Trans/ CYCLE02 bicycle Trans/ CYCLE03 early motorcycle Trans/ CYCLE04 bicycle built for three Trans/ CYCLE05 delivery on bicycle Trans/ CYCLE06 man on bicycle Trans/ CYCLE07 old bicycle Trans/ CYCLE08 old bicycle with high front wheel Trans/ CYCLE09 old bicycle with high front wheel Trans/ CYCLE10 old bicycle with high front wheel Trans/ CYCLE11 bicycle Trans/ FIRETRK2 fire truck with ladder Trans/ FIRETRK3 horse-drawn hook and ladder fire truck Trans/ FIRETRUK steam pumper fire truck Trans/ MILKCART dog pulling two-wheeled wagon Trans/ PLANE01 early airplane, with landing skids Trans/ PLANE02 biplane Trans/ PLANE03 propeller plane Trans/ PLANE04 propeller plane Trans/ PLANE05 single wing plane Trans/ STAGE01 stagecoach with four horses Trans/ WAGNTRN2 covered wagon with four horses Water/ ALIGATOR alligator Water/ ANCHOR01 ship's anchor, on land Water/ ANCHOR2 ship's anchor, with porpoise decoration Water/ CANOE01 man in canoe Water/ CRAB01 male crab Water/ CRAB02 hermit crab Water/ CRAB03 female crab Water/ CRAB04 female crab Water/ CRAB05 horseshoe crab Water/ CRAYFISH crayfish under water Water/ DIVER deep sea diver with metal helmet Water/ DUCK01 duck swimming Water/ DUCK02 duck in barnyard Water/ FISH01 several small fish Water/ FISH02 fish Water/ FISH03 fish Water/ FISH04 fish Water/ FISH05 fish Water/ FISHRMAN fisherman working from dock Water/ FISHRMN2 fisherman carrying catch Water/ FISHRMN7 fisherman and dog at river Water/ JELLYFSH jellyfish Water/ LIVRPOOL life preserver emblem from Liverpool with sailing ship Water/ LOBSTER lobster Water/ LOBSTER2 lobster Water/ MASTRIDR seaman climbing mast in heavy storm Water/ OCTOPUS octopus Water/ OLDFISH1 ornate drawing of fish Water/ PELICAN1 pelican sitting on shore Water/ PIRATE pirate with cutlass Water/ ROWSHIP1 galley ship with rowing crew Water/ SAILSHIP sailing ship Water/ SAILSHP2 sailing ship Water/ SAILSHP3 sailing ship Water/ SAILSHP4 sailing ship in storm Water/ SAILSHP5 sailing ship Water/ SAILSHP6 sailing ship Water/ SAILSHP7 sailing ship Water/ SAILSHP9 sailing ship Water/ SALMON01 salmon Water/ SEAHORSE seahorse and conch shell Water/ SEAHRSE3 seahorse Water/ SHELL1 conch shell Water/ SHELL2 sea shell Water/ SHELL3 sea shell Water/ SHELL4 conch shell Water/ SHELL6 group of shells Water/ SHIP01 sailing ship Water/ SHIP02 sailing ship Water/ SHIP03 sailing ship Water/ SHIP04 sailing ship Water/ SWAN01 swan in lake Water/ TURTLE01 turtle on land Water/ WATRFALL waterfall, oval vignette